Thursday, January 17, 2008

Deelishis from flava of love showing the goods

I hope yall can see that phat Azz...Oh my Goddd!!!!!!

I thinks this will be the sexiest neon
green skittle we will ever see......
shouldn't the fashion police
be notified. Well who am I to say,
I love her ass

Booty is fat, but keloid skill is not sexy, imagine
kissing on it or licking it, ugggghhhhh, but If
I had to I would probably would suck away,
jsut to sample dem bunz. And wassup with the
facial stuble, can't be perfect now........ LOL

Is this the one of flav getting his dry hump on,
or her husband.....? well whatever more booty,
more booty

Deelishis naked.
Don't she have a daughter. Them
breast are suckable.... and, maybe a little
flat but they can work.... and
you know how I feel bout the nipples...

This one is Kinda small but she
is naked...... wow

What an ASS!!!!!!!!!!

Little bit of the dimple legs, cottage cheese syndrome, but hell
that ass is round and shining......
Click title above to see Deelishis talk bout her jeans line and her fat ass

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